The Grind: Stardust by The High Road

The Grind: Stardust by The High Road
By Sarah Mulcahy

Alright, folks. Welcome back to The Grind, broadcasting live from inside a snowglobe on that lady in HR’s desk. Winter is not shy at all this year in the Pacific Northwest and we’re here to warm you up with another fire review.

Up first this week is a fantastic indica strain from a go-to brand here at The 420 Minute, The High Road. Check out our reviews on Jack the Ripper and Princess Lleia from this same farm. These guys know what they are doing, I have yet to be disappointed by a strain. One of my favorite little things are the terpenes and THC/CBD percentages included in the information on the package (not to mention the little descriptions too!).

(Also, these guys are the only i502 producer/processor that is currently following yours truly on Instagram and I love them for it every day!!)

Alright, enough corporate cock-sucking. On to the review!

Just The Basic Facts:
Strain: Stardust
THC/CBD: 21.18% total THC/ 0.20% total CBD
Type: Flower
Method: Smoked (glass, pre-roll)

Stardust by The High Road
Photo by: S. Mulcahy

The fragile yet dense nugs of this flavorful indica had a light, spring-green leaf with verdant hints peeking out. Caked in crystals and gorgeous, rusty-orange hairs, the package of these beauties had a date of September 19th so it was super fresh.

I purchased a gram of Stardust bud on Friday and on opening the package I was immediately struck by the citrus/lemon scent. Needless to say I was unsurprised to see the terpene with the largest percentage was Limonene. However, when I purchased a pre-roll 3-pack of Stardust (a great deal at Satori South, $10 for three half-gram pre-rolls), Limonene was not mentioned and in it’s place was Myrcene (in the exact same measurement).

At first I thought it was merely a typo. I’ve caught them in BBC and NYT articles so anything is possible. Upon scent inspection of an unlit joint, I was immediately struck by the strong, musky scent associated with myrcene. I will be looking into this further.

All that being said, the bud was sharp on the inhale, slightly irritating to the throat, with a piney/woody aftertaste. This is a fantastic strain for after work chill, whether you want to kick back and relax or accomplish some tasks at home. Great motivator for crafting or cleaning projects, but I would recommend avoiding any machinery that requires a clear head and a good deal of focus. Don’t attempt to cook any snacks in the oven unless you have a timer, you might burn your munchies!

Follow @thehighroadllc on Instagram. For more strain reviews and legalization news subscribe to The 420 Minute. For epic bud shots follow us on Instagram @the420minute or show some love by becoming a patron at

Keep calm and smoke on.
